1 gutt og 2 jenter født 02.11.2016
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Puppies will be born WEEK 44
I am happy to announce that my dear CIE NOCH DKCH NLCH LUCH BW`15 SVW`15 LEIPZIGW`15 GEW`15 *** KITOU DE LA FERME FAROUCHE *** will have her last litter with the gorgeous CSAU
I met Byron last year and could not forget him. He is a wonderful young male with
an exellent mentality. He has done very well at shows, at int.show in Mai 4 BIG (M Vermiere), he have recieved 2x BIS Groenendael intermediate + BIS Groenendael & BISS (S Smith / M Krug) at breedshows this spring. He passed CSAU / TAN tests (incl. shooting)
and was 1 Exellent intermediate male on NE CFCBB 2016.
In October BOB & BUNDESSIEGER`16 Byron have complete scissors bite and HD A, he have passed div. obedience tests in
his homeland. He are owned by Jos Strik & Erna Strik Lijten.
His father is wonderful CH ** JEU DE VIE DE LA TERRE SAUVAGE AT NIAVANA (Santos) **. Santos come from well known
Ts HunJCH HunCH * Toby Comme Un Reve Noir * & * Voila De La Terre Sauvage *.
Byron`s mother are the wonderful NLJCH NLCH ** TOSCANE DE BRUINE BUCK **. The reason i write
that i am relaxed happy is because i have also met Toscane + two of her brothers (Troy & Topaz) – they are all wonderful dogs with exellent mentality, it feels very good to have met also mother & her brothers – all bred by Tom Roozen &
fam. Toscane`s father are Multi CH *Apache De La Douce Plaine* who was the father of Kitou`s previous litter (2013). Her mother are CH *Vega De Bruine Buck*.
Kitou`s father are the well known SR ** TENESSY DE LA FUREUR DU CREPUSCULE **. Tenessy comes from CH * Rival De La Fureur Du Crepuscule * / * Pretty De La Fureur Du Crepuscule *.
Kitou`s mother are ** CHANOUX DE LA FERME FAROUCHE ** from CH * Ainuk De Holzheimer Rehtranke * & * Duchesse Lumiere Bergers Rayon *.
Kitou are import from Netherlands. She have a fantastic mentality - loves everyone she meets / and everyone that meet her loves her. She have complete scissor bite and HD A / ED 0 / ECVO ok / passed mental test - social - gunshot ok. She has done very
well at shows and have good working results as well. Consult pawvillage.com & search Kitou / Groenendael if you are interested in her results. At this moment three of her children are tested with ok hips / elbows and eyes, no allergies or other illness. Kitou`s grandchildren are
also healthy and doing well in the show ring. The puppies will be ready for their new home in week
We live 100 km north of Oslo.
Kennel Kitou`s Dream.
Tone Borge